What are professional ethics and how do they impact your position? Your input is very valuable to the group and we would like to ask you to take a few minutes to respond to the ethics questions that will be coming out on the list-serv over the next few weeks.
The charge from the Information Ethics Initiative is to create a set of Information Ethics Guidelines for SLA
- Anecdotes, stories and examples
- Numbers and statistics.
The first question: Do you have ethical concerns about - Limits of Disclosure & Non-Disclosure in Negotiating with Vendors? How much do you disclose about your company’s finances and payment schedule. How much do you share with other professionals about your deal? Is it fair? Is it ethical??
Please respond to: [email protected]
Tony Stankus [email protected] Life Sciences Librarian & Profesor
University of Arkansas Libraries
365 North McIlroy Avenue
Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002
Voice: 479-575-4031
Fax: 479-575-4031
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Posted by: www.vezbe.net | September 04, 2012 at 09:47 AM