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January 08, 2009


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Michael Edson, MS, L.Ac.

As people continue to live longer, the incidence of eye disease such as macular degeneration is on the rise. These types of debilitating eye diseases rob people of vision, and can result in individuals losing their independence.

It is believed that the visual system requires up to 25% of the nutrients we take into our bodies in order to stay healthy. Impaired circulation and/or poor absorption of nutrients can significantly contribute to eye disease.

There is a great deal of peer review research now showing the vision can be preserved through a proper diet and specific nutritional supplementation.

Essential nutrients include lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, taurine, gingko biloba, lycopene, vitamin A, E, zinc, copper, selenium for example, that can help both prevent the onset of eye disease such as macular degeneration as well as help preserve vision for those with macular degeneration.

For more information and specific research studies by eye condition on nutrition and vision, go to www.naturaleyecare.com

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  • The DBIO Blog is run by Tony Stankus. He is a Life Sciences Librarian and holds the rank of full Professor at the University of Arkansas. He is also the 2009 SLA Fellow, and the 2005 winner of the SLA's Rose L. Vormelker Award for exceptional services in the area of mentoring students and/or working professionals. You can contact Tony at [email protected].