During challenging times, networks are important. The people you meet in business can be essential to your success, helpful when job hunting, and good for your professional development. One of the key purposes of a professional organization is to provide ample opportunity to network with your peers. As Conference Chair for SLA CID programming for the 2011 conference, and as this year’s Membership Director, I want to encourage all SLA CID members to network with their peers within SLA CID. Just in case the word is not yet out, there are a number of ways to do this at SLA 2011 in Philadelphia.
Many studies have shown that the most important aspect of any conference is interaction. So, if you want to interact with your peers I hope you will take this invitation to join us at our Open House on Monday p.m. from 5:30-7:30. We are combining entertainment and education using Pecha Kucha presentations, along with food and drinks, and plenty of networking time. Our no host dinner on Tuesday p.m. at 6:30 is a great time to sample the cuisine of Philadelphia and meet some new people. Sign up for the restaurant of your choice at the Open House, especially if you have not already chosen this event in the conference planner.
See the program for more information about SLA CID sessions at the conference, and check out our on-site promotion to win an iPad sponsored by InfoNGen, Seena Sharp’s and Dr. Craig S. Fleisher’s book signings, and more. And please introduce yourself at the Open House … we’re interested in meeting you!
For those who will not be at the conference this year, we plan some virtual networking events during 2011 to engage more with our membership. Look for information on these opportunities in future.
Posted by Claudia Clayton