The Intel blog is maintained by the Competitive Intelligence Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) as a service to CI practitioners and students. This blog serves as an interactive forum for professional development, where anyone can learn about and contribute information on the latest events, fresh thinking, and techniques that support CI work. Here, you can get to know more about the CI Division, its members, and learning opportunities.
The blog is also an extension of the quarterly CI Division newsletter, Intelligence Insights. Intelligence Insights is a quarterly publication dedicated to supporting competitive intelligence practices and the professional development of SLA's Competitive Intelligence Division members. It is published electronically and distributed to Competitive Intelligence Division members online or directly via email. For information about joining SLA and the Competitive Intelligence Division, please visit the SLA Membership page.
Contributing to the Intel Insights Blog
Blog contributions such as posts, comments, and information about events are welcome and encouraged. The policy for accepting and posting contributions follows the editorial guidelines for the Intelligence Insights newsletter:
Publication of content is determined by the Editor according to the scope and interests of its purpose and its quality, value, timeliness, and other considerations. The Editor is not obligated to publish any material. The Editor may edit any submitted material for accuracy, length, format, and style.
The SLA CI Division and its editorial team make no guarantees regarding the acceptance and publication of submitted material.Contact
To submit content, please send your contributions in an email to [email protected].
For more information or to comment about The Intel blog, please contact Jill Stover Heinze, Blog Editor, at [email protected]. For more information about the Intelligence Insights newsletter, please contact Sandra Stauffer, Editor, at [email protected].
We hope that this blog will support you in your work. Thank you for reading and contributing to the blog's success.
SLA/Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to the Association's publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official position of Special Libraries Association.