At the first SLA conference I attended in 2003, I was a student and walked into the Sci-Tech Division's lunch for newcomers. I was already a member of the Biomed Division, but after talking to the welcoming people at this luncheon, I joined the Sci-Tech Division. I shortly found myself on the Awards Committee, where I have remained for three years through graduation from library school, two job changes, and six moves.
Since this is the first SLA conference I've made it to in the intervening years, I was there yesterday at 7:15 am to meet the people I correspond with on the committee, and catch up on division news. Again, I found this division to be particularly friendly and always willing to reach out to newcomers (now identified with a purple tag on their name badges). I'm signed up for the Awards Committee for the near future, since there are no term limits, and I know that if I get to attend conferences in the future, I'll be making the effort to appear at their annual meetings.
Even as a solo, other divisions can certainly lend their support and expertise.