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Solo Librarians Division

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March 04, 2009


Julie Snyder

Here are the names that I've got so far:

Me (Julie Snyder) - jwsnyder28
Jennifer Melinn - Jengoria
Ruth Kneale - desertlibrarian
Reece Dano - r33c3

Keep 'em coming!



William Anger - wanger51

Carolyn Sosnowski

Carolyn Sosnowski--triviachick

Amra Porobic

Amra Porobic - porobica

Julie Snyder

While you can still add your name to this blog posting, there is now a "behind the login" listing of SLA members and groups across the organization who use Twitter that is located at If you're not already signed up for SLA's wiki space, I highly recommend doing so!


Jeanne Miller

Jeanne Miller -- jeminfo

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