Our fellow SLA members in the Social Science Division have sent out an invitation to participate in a poster session that will be held by their division, along with the Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division and the Education Division during their open house at SLA 2009, which is on June 14, 2009, from 8 to 10 PM. The theme for this session is "Inspiration and Diversity - SLA Around the Globe." Proposals on any topic will be welcomed, but priority will be given to those that touch on diversity or international issues in the information world.
First prize for the best poster? A one-year membership in SLA!
Examples of posters from the 2008 conference can be found at http://sla.dsoc.googlepages.com/2008slaconference (scroll down a little bit to the section that begins with "Social Science and Museums, Arts, and Humanities Open House and Poster Session").
Please send proposals for posters to Tara Murray by e-mail at murray <at> pop dot psu dot edu, or by snail mail at Population Research Institute, Penn State, 601 Oswald Tower, University Park, PA, 16802 by MARCH 1, 2009. Proposals should include a title and a ~250 word description, as well as your name, institution, and address (both street and e-mail). Applicants will be notified of the reviewing committee's decision by April 1, 2009. Please contact Ms. Murray if you have any questions.
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