There are many cool tools, with some more useful than others. I just began using RSS Calendar both on my blog and web site, which I find cool and useful. What tools are you using on your web site or blog that you find useful? Why not leave a comment and share that tool with us!
(For sake of arguement, a tool is something that gives you added functionality.)
What about all of the metrics tools? Like counters, hit maps, stuff like that? I've also added gigablast and google search blocks.
Posted by: Christina Pikas | Friday, August 11, 2006 at 05:51
We added a customized LibX toolbar to our library home page at RIT, courtesy of This only works in Firefox, though. We set up a shared IM account for all reference staff through, and our web developer added a "live help" script that connects to this IM account and opens a chat window right on our virtual reference page - no need to fire up an IM client. Finding cool tools is actually part of my job description, so I'd love to read what others post and will be checking back for more comments.
Posted by: Roman Koshykar | Friday, August 11, 2006 at 06:11
A Delicous tag cloud, LibraryThing recently read books, Feedroll from my work weblog, links to my ClaimID page and FURL pages, SoloSub, and Blogarithm.
Posted by: David Bigwood | Friday, August 11, 2006 at 09:57
Wow! Lots of cool tools! I like the idea of adding a search box to my blog (but haven't done it yet). I'll have to look at what Christina has done.
I learned last night about adding Flickr photos to a web site ( Now this isn't something I want to do, but I've already told three people who would find it useful. Of course, we (SLA) could do it for conference photos (or meeting photos). THAT would be very cool!
Von did a cool thing with photos today on his blog (and I'll assume that the tool was free):
The key seems to be (1) finding tools that would be useful and (2) using them. We all -- I think -- find lots of cool tools, but don't have time to check them out. AND then we don't have time to implement them.
We all should be Roman, who has finding cool tools as part of his job description!
Posted by: Jill Hurst-Wahl | Friday, August 18, 2006 at 10:55