Whenever you start learning a new computer programming language you usually start with a "hello world" script. It's a couple of lines of code that produce either a webpage or a window or some kind of output that reads "hello world." I think of this post as my "Hello World" post. Sure I've been posting here for a while now, but never as your chair person - so it's a new beginning for me.
So, who am I? In short I'm a special librarian just like most of you probably are. I worked in a law library for 6 years in the web department and now work in a special academic library (seminary library) as a Metadata Librarian. I have never worked in the corporate world, but I do know that special libraries live by different rules than the public and academic and that we need to find out how to use the same tools they're using to our advantage.
I am a big open source and web 2.0 enthusiast - you will frequently find me recommending tools to make our jobs easier that cost little or nothing to play with. Along those lines, I'm a big fan of "play." I think that if we all took just a little bit more of our time to play we'd learn so much more about the way technology is changing around us.
All that said, I'd like to invite you to join me in blogging for our fellow SLA members - and librarians alike. If you're a member of the section and would like to be an SLA-IT blogger, just drop me an email at nengard [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll get you on the list of authorized bloggers. Also, if you need me or just want to chat about a post or technology, feel free to comment here on the blog or use that same email address. You can learn more about me on my resume and about page over at my personal blog.
I look forward to a great year meet as many of you as possible in the real and virtual world!
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