According to Forbes, it's now official:
The iPhone is more popular than's Kindle. And not just in the obvious categories like listening to music, browsing the Web or the other applications where Kindle barely competes. Now, the iPhone is also muscling into Amazon's home turf: reading books.
Stanza, a book reading application offered in Apple's iPhone App Store since July, has been downloaded more than 395,000 times and continues to be installed at an average rate of about 5,000 copies a day, according to Portland, Ore.-based Lexcycle, the three-person start-up that created the reading software.
By comparison, Citigroup estimates Amazon will sell around 380,000 Kindles in 2008.
Stanza has the advantage of being free and the titles it provides are free as well - although those are free domain and creative commons titles. On the minus size, eye strain and rapid battery usage. But, if you already have an iPhone, why not?
UPDATE: I've added the link to the Forbes articles, heh
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