I'll be teaching my first SLA Click U course next month. I'll be teaching special librarian all about open source. You can sign up online if you're interested in learning something new - or just seeing my presentation :)
- Open Source Software for Libraries
SLA Click U, Live Online, January 8, 2009The library community is abuzz about open source software. Open source usually refers to an application whose source code is made available for use or modification as users see fit. Make sense? Probably not! Would it help if you knew that open source is not just about programming, but about following a philosophy?
Still confused? Not surprising. What will open source mean to our libraries? More flexibility and freedom than with software purchased with license restrictions. This is an important path for libraries to consider. Why open source? Because both the open source community and the library world live by the same rules and principles.
Nicole Engard will give you the facts and dispel myths about open source. This presentation will not only introduce librarians to what open source is and what it means for libraries, but will also provide attendees with links to a toolbox full of freely available open source products to use in their libraries.
Hopefully I'll "see" some of you there.