The New York Chapter of SLA has opened online registration for the all-day "New York Information and Intelligence Forum," to be held Thursday, Nov. 19. I've already registered, and I hope other New Jersey Chapter members can join us.
Remember that this and other events sponsored by local SLA chapters or of interest to information professionals are listed on the NJSLA Calendar. More information is below.
Eric Schwarz, NJSLA President
The New York Information and Intelligence Forum
A discussion of the challenges of 2009 and the opportunities of 2010
Brought to you by the New York Chapter of SLA
Thursday, November 19th, 2009, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.*
Dr. William Duggan, our featured keynote speaker, is a best-selling business author and Senior Lecturer at Columbia University. Professor Duggan’s primary teaching and research interest is strategic intuition as the key to innovation. He is the author of three recent books on strategic intuition: Napoleon's Glance: The Secret of Strategy (2002); The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens (2003); and Strategic Intuition: The Creative Spark in Human Achievement (2007). In 2007 the journal Strategy+Business named Strategic Intuition “Best Strategy Book of the Year.” Dr. Duggan teaches strategic intuition at Columbia Business School and has been an active consultant and advisor to the business community.
Our Providers Panel will feature: Ms. Clare Hart, Executive Vice President of Dow Jones & Co., and President, Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group; Mr. Steven Goldstein, Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alacra; Mr. Scott Livingston, Vice President of Lexis-Nexis; and Ms. Trish Frankenfield, Director, Client Development, at Capital IQ.
Our Information Professionals panel will feature: Ms. Karen Kreizman Reczek , Senior Manager, Information Resource Services, Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, and Mr. Bill Patterson, Director, Research & Analysis, PricewaterhouseCoopers.
The Forum will be held at Baruch College, 151 East 25th Street (between Lexington and Third), Newman Conference Center, 7th floor. Ticket price includes breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunch.
Members registering before Saturday, October 31st pay $25 for this event. Members registering Monday November 2nd through Friday November 13th pay $35. Non Members pay $75. Student ticket price is $10.
RSVP by Friday, November 13, 2009, to Vida Cohen at
cohen.v AT
You may pay with credit card via Paypal on the SLA-NY website. Please forward Paypal receipt to Vida with your email RSVP.
If you wish to pay by check, please make it out to SLA-NY, and email Vida to get her mailing address.
Vida will also be able to accept reservations and checks at the SLA-NY Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 15th.
All payments must be in advance and not at the door. Refunds will not be available.
*Registration, including breakfast, will begin at 8 a.m. the day of the conference.
We look forward to spending an exciting day with you!