SLA President-elect Anne Caputo has launched a 2010 Call for Volunteers, that makes it very easy to see and apply for volunteer opportunities using a Web-based form. They new volunteer form (linked from Anne's letter to members) will help you find opportunities you may not know existed, apply in one place without worrying about whom to contact, and focus your thoughts on why and how you'd like to get involved. (Don't worry: It's a short form, not a job application.)
For example, SLA currently is looking for volunteers to serve on the following association-wide groups:
- Bylaws
- Cataloging
- Association Governance
- Diversity Leadership Development Program
- Research and Development
- Technical Standards
Advisory Councils:
- Emergency Preparedness and Recovery
- First Five Years
- Information Ethics
- Information Outlook
- Professional Development
- Public Policy
- Public Relations
- Student and Academic Affairs
- Virtual Worlds
Also, volunteers for opportunities other than committees and councils will be forwarded to the appropriate division, chapter, caucus or nominating committee without any vetting by Anne or the advisory group members.
If you're interested in volunteering with the New Jersey Chapter, you could fill out the online form, or just ask me or 2010 President Sandra Baker. We'd be happy to welcome you. Two opportunities that come to mind are: Membership (welcoming new members and pointing people in the right direction when they have questions about their membership) and Program Planning for our chapter's 75-year anniversary.
Eric Schwarz
NJSLA President