2009 has been a year of reinvention for SLA members (as it has been every year since the association began in 1909). Many members have changed jobs or are looking for their next opportunity. Even those in the same jobs they held a year ago, likely have taken on new and expanded responsibilities.
We’ve learned through SLA that we constantly need to reinvent ourselves and prove our value to our employers and clients. This year we’ve learned that librarian and library science are well-regarded but not always well-understood. Rutgers dropped the term Library Studies from its school while keeping the same curriculum. SLA members just decided to keep the same name we’ve had for 100 years, because "Association for Strategic Knowledge Professionals" may not quite tell the story of our work either.
The association and your New Jersey Chapter want to help you on your career journey, by providing networking and social opportunities; the chance to hear fresh ideas on making yourself relevant; and bringing SLA leadership to New Jersey. SLA President-Elect Anne Caputo visited in October to share the results of SLA’s Alignment Project. Though the name change failed, I hope that the ideas of Alignment, such as being willing to change and adapt, prove valuable in 2010 and beyond.
This year, we’ve experimented with additional virtual meeting options, such as Click U replays and teleconference sessions, including the board meetings and the name change discussion. We’ve also expanded our electronic outreach by placing job listings on their own blog and by sending the jobs and Bulletin posts to Twitter. In 2008 we established presence on LinkedIn and Facebook. You can find links to all of these outlets via the Bulletin blog,
The chapter and I appreciate your investment of time and money in professional development. Next year is the chapter’s 75th anniversary, so we’re looking to celebrate and also continue to provide networking and professional development opportunities. We’re excited to welcome back Guy St. Clair as our Alice Rankin Distinguished Lecturer in the spring. He’ll speak about the history and future of SLA.
Please contact us at
newjersey.sla AT gmail.com for more information on getting involved.
Eric Schwarz
NJSLA President, 2009
eric AT ericthelibrarian.com
Recap of NJSLA 2009 Events
· Friday, Jan. 30: Groundhog’s Day social – Westfield (member’s home)
· Monday, March 16: Program planning social – Bedminster (member’s home)
· Wednesday, March 25: NJSLA Networking meeting - Managing Change & Finding Partners in Your Organization – Somerville
· Thursday, April 23: Alice Rankin Distinguished Lecture: Peter Bromberg: 'The Value of Leadership, the Leadership of Value: Remaining Relevant in Times of Change' - New Brunswick
· Tuesday, June 16: Mid-Atlantic Chapters Reception at SLA 2009 in Washington, D.C.
· Friday, July 31: Baseball – Night out at the Somerset Patriots - Bridgewater
· Wednesday, Sept. 30: NJSLA Dine-Around and Student Mixer – New Brunswick
· Wednesday, October 7: Anne Caputo – Visit to Rutgers SLA Student Group – New Brunswick / SLA at 100: Changing and Realigning – Piscataway
· Wednesday, Nov. 11: SLA Name Change and Alignment Discussion (in person and by teleconference) – Somerville
· Tuesday, Dec. 15: Annual Meeting and Holiday Party, New Brunswick