"It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.""
These words of Charles Darwin set the tone for NJSLA's program on Career Success in Changing Times presented by Ellen Mehling on May 18.
Mehling, currently Outreach Librarian at Queens Library and Manager of METRO's Job Magnet web site, captivated the 40 plus participants with tips for staying flexible and not getting discouraged by today's difficult job market.
She noted that full-time jobs with benefits are becoming increasingly difficult to find and employers are filling more positions with part-time staffers. She stated that "9 to 5" may not be enough and that many information profressionals are finding that 2-3 part times job are a necessity. Mehling noted that there are some positives in the multiple job scenario, including the ability to learn new skills and increase the size of your professional network. Those with more than 1 position may also be better protected from a complete loss of professional identity if their position is eliminated.
The benefits of volunteering, whether you are currently employed or not, were cited. Volunteering can allow you to gain experience and show your adaptability which is something current employers value. You can receive ongoing tips and advice from Mehling by following her on Twitter.
The event was hosted by Information Express and was held at the offices of Daiichi Sankyo Pharma Development. NJSLA Board member Janet Weiss gracefully hosted the group. We thank Information Express, Janet and Daiichi Sankyo for their hospitality.
Enjoy photos of the evening and mark your calendars now for our next meeting, our annual joint event with the Princeton-Trenton Chapter to be held Thursday, September 23 on the value of Social Networking and Web 2.0 in corporate settings.