Several of our members have published articles in the professional literature this year, and one has even published a book. Congratulations to the authors!
Jean Bedord, Principal, eContent Strategies
"SMX West 2010: Nature of Search is Changing", Information Today, May 2010, p.26.
Deb Hunt, Principal, Information Edge
"The Accidental Knowledge Manager: Another Role for Independent Information Professionals" ASIS&T Bulletin , October/November 2010
Raveena Raman, Senior Information Specialist, Analysis and Information Management (AIM) Services, Elan Pharmaceuticals.
1) “Advancing the careers of life science professionals of Indian origin,” with Jagath R Junutula, Darshana Patel, Holly Butler & Anula Jayasuriya; Nature Biotechnology v28, 757–758 (2010).
2) “Protecting information resources before and After emergencies”, with Lisl Zach, Information Outlook, v14, n3, p25(3), April 1, 2010. Special Libraries Association
Virginia Tucker, PhD Candidate, San Jose SLIS
Finding the Answers to Legal Questions: A How-To-Do-It Manual with Marc Lampson, published by Neal- Schuman Publishers, October 2010
Libby Trudell, VP, Market Development, Dialog
“Does Taxonomy Matter in a New World of Search and Discovery?” with Suzanne BeDell, Online September 2010, v34, no 5 .
Submitted by Libby Trudell