Here's where a post would go. You could post about all kinds of things that might interest our members. Posts can include text, pictures, links and just about any other content you'd like to include. We can also enable automatic posts from services like so content gets re-used where possible.
Posts move down the page as new posts are added. For some posts we may wish to permanently include them in the sidebar, but use of a link in a "Typelist".
Content is always improved by relevant photos. We could include photos from events, photos of speakers at events and event-sponsor logos. For posts that don't have that kind of content, services like iStockPhoto provide images for a very low cost that you can include. I added a random stock photo that our company has used in the past just to give you an idea.
In the sidebars you can include both links to other content and content itself (via incoming RSS feeds that automatically update). I think we should also reserve one sidebar for sponsors of the blog, with space for their logos.