By Helen Josephine, President, San Andreas Chapter
I was expecting some snow or at least cold weather, but Reno was having a mild winter. The conference hotel, John Ascuaga’s Nugget, was also host to attendees for the SCI (Safari Club International) conference for big game hunters, which made for some interesting elevator conversations.
The San Andreas Chapter was well represented at the Leadership Summit. Attending from the San Andreas Chapter Board were Lee Pharis, Joe Langdon, Helen Losch, and Helen Josephine. Libby Trudell attended as Chapter Cabinet Vice-President and George Plosker attended as the vendor rep for IEEE.
This annual gathering is a working meeting for the SLA Leadership, which includes the SLA Board of Directors, SLA Chapter Presidents and President-Elects, and SLA Division Chairs and Chair-Elects. The Annual Conference Program Planning Committee meets with the Division Program Planning Chairs, and the SLA Nominating Committee and the SLA Finance Committee also meet at this time. Several divisions held board meetings. Attendance is open to all, and several members attended because of interest in the program or due to other division or chapter leadership responsibilities.