With the blog launch party coming up, I wanted to put up a post with my To Do List. Over time, I'll come back and cross off things that get done and the status of various projects, but I thought it would be useful for our members to see that just because we're past the initial release, there's still lots of work to do be done both on the blog and the website. We definitely aren't done yet!
If you think you can help with any of this please drop me a line at [email protected]. At the bottom, I've even identified a very specific role any, or many, of our members could fill to help create content for our site.
Claudia and the rest of the Faultline team have their own list of what they want to see happen with the areas of the blog that are devoted to the Faultline so please also keep in mind that there many ways you can contribute to this new communications tool for our chapter.
We hope to see you on Wednesday! Please read on for more details...
Already Done:
- started blogging
- sidebar links for related content
- Google Calendar for chapter events
- Google Calendar for "other events"
- RSS feed created - can also get updates via email
Absolute Must-Dos: (tackle these in Q2)
- start using Technorati tags on posts & claim blog in Technorati
- sort out a print style sheet, even if it kills you (it very well might!)
- get vendor ads started (led by: vendor relations committee)
- finalize copyright policy (board to vote on)
- finalize photo policy (board to vote on)
- better event listings - question of how much/how far we go
-- continue encouraging other groups to produce feeds for their events
Website Updates To Do: (Q3 is the time to get these done)
- sitemap index to start (inventory of existing site)
- archive sections no longer required
- update pages/sections to keep
-- new, cleaner design (similar to Jobline page and blog)?
-- any content updates
-- designate an "owner" - who should initiate future updates
- check SEO
- user accounts might need updating
-- create a "downloads" section for logo versions, templates, etc.
Moving Beyond: (Q4 onward)
- statistics tracking & reporting - both for website and for blog
-- already started doing some for the blog
- online event registration (and possibly payment)
- gather specific member feedback for next steps (survey?)
Additional Content: we can add this at any time but I need some help!
Ideally, one or more persons would take up the mantle of "Content Detective" or somesuch - going out online and finding/coralling content that may be of interest to our members using these tools and/or others. This is an ideal role for someone who loves to surf the web all day (and has the time to do so!).
Some of these can be accomodated within the blog, via the sidebars, but we can also look at another webpage (sort of like a portal) into which we embed/port this content and have it updated automatically.
- video
-- YouTube account is created already
--- archive interesting videos from others
--- create videos of our own
- podcasts
-- help members find them
- blogroll
-- locate blogs of interest
--- do reviews
--- create and maintain a blogroll
--- create an OPML file other members can use to import blog listings
- newsfeed
-- can embed a newsfeed via Google using keywords
- other web resources - a del.icio.us account is created, it just needs to be populated