It’s been quite a year for the San Andreas Chapter! The Chapter website has a radically different look and feel, and the blog has replaced the online bulletin as the information resource and communication forum for Chapter members.
I have enjoyed serving as Editor on the Bulletin Committee this year. I initially signed up expecting to work on an online bulletin. Instead, I wound up as Content Manager of the new Chapter blog. What a way to improve upon my tech / Web 2.0 skills! Volunteering for the position also enabled me to get to know more Chapter members and to contribute to a Chapter and an association from which I have benefited in numerous ways.
I could not have done the work on the Bulletin Committee alone. I would like to thank Mary-Lynn Bragg of the Website Committee (and the 2007 winner of the Mark H. Baer Award) – Mary-Lynn spearheaded the idea of the blog, created the new Chapter website, and patiently answered my countless tech-help questions; Wynne Dobyns and Sandy Tao, who provided invaluable guidance and assistance as fellow proofreaders and blog "posters"; and the Chapter board and members for your encouragement and support in this key transition.
At the end of this year I will step down from the Bulletin Committee. Working part-time on projects (and scanning the horizon for future projects) and chasing after my 15-month old son (who needs gym membership when you have a toddler!) are taking up most of my energies for the time being. At a future time I will volunteer again. In the meantime, I have immensely enjoyed this past year as Editor. I will definitely be around at Chapter meetings and events, and I look forward to seeing you then.
Claudia Cohen can be reached at [email protected]