Monday, July 28, 2008, Santa Clara University, St. Ignatius Conference Room, Loyola Hall
5:30-6:30 p.m. Registration and buffet dinner
6:30-7:30 p.m. Presentation
7:30-8:00 p.m. Small Group Discussion
8:00-8:15 p.m. Follow-up and Conclusion
Dinner Buffet: Your choice of two pasta dishes (one vegetarian), salad, roll, dessert, and a beverage.
Program Description:
SLA is undertaking a year-long initiative through its chapters and divisions to look at ethical issues that members encounter in providing information services to their users and to determine whether SLA should develop its own ethics guidelines rather than continuing to rely on the ethics guidelines developed by ALA, SCIP, AIIP and ASIS&T. This Town Hall meeting will include a discussion of anecdotes and examples of ethical situations you have encountered, whether and how you have resolved them, and examples of information ethics in practice (or perhaps not in practice) at your libraries and organizations.
To provide us some background, Geoffrey Bowker, Executive Director, Regis and Dianne McKenna Professor, Center for Science, Technology and Society, Santa Clara University, will first speak to us about ethics in information service. Following his presentation, we will break into small groups for general discussion, sharing our stories, anecdotes and questions about ethics in using and providing information services. Wynne Dobyns, the Chapter's Ethics Ambassador, will summarize findings and suggestions for ethics guidelines and/or ethics resources that SLA could provide to share in a report to SLA headquarters.
Those who plan to attend should read the article, "A Framework for Thinking Ethically," posted at before the meeting.
St. Ignatius Conference Room, 2nd Floor
Loyola Hall, Santa Clara University
425 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053
Loyola Hall is on the corner of El Camino Real and The Alameda, across from the SCU campus. See the campus map at For driving directions to campus, see .
Members $15; Guests/non-members $20; Students, retirees, unemployed $10.
Reservations deadline is Thursday, July 24, 2008.
Mail registration form and check made out to "San Andreas Chapter of
SLA" to:
SLA Reservations
AIM Library & Information Staffing
P.O. Box 391210
Mountain View, CA 94039-1210
Tel (toll free): 877-965-7900 x100
Fax: (650) 965-7774
Email: [email protected]
Name: ________________________________
Telephone: ________________________
E-Mail: _________________________
SLA Member ($15): ________ Guest/non-member ($20): _______ Student/Retiree/Unemployed ($10):__________
Employer/Affiliation: ______________________________________________________