About twenty people came to the MacArthur Park Restaurant in Palo Alto on December 2nd for the Chapter Meeting and Holiday Party. After the buffet and socializing, there was a brief business meeting to approve minutes, discuss the Chapter's plans for 2009, announce incoming officers and thank outgoing officers. Lee Pharis received the Mark H. Baer Award (accepted in her absence by Leslie Fisher) and Wynne Dobyns received the Lucy Steelman Award.
A number of vendors had the opportunity to speak - Bruce Antelman from Information Express, Mike Morgan from Morgan & Claypool, George Plosker from IEEE and Gloria Elia from AIM Library & Information Staffing. George Plosker took numerous photos. The evening culminated in a round of holiday songs led by Cliff Mills, Libby Trudell and Richard Geiger and a raffle of several poinsettias and an English holly.
Thanks to Patricia Parsons for organizing the event!
Lee received her award in person at the end of year turnover meeting on December 11th.
Here are Lee (holding the plaque) and Helen Josephine.