Greetings All - We now have a confirmed venue for our "stimulus package."
Please join Chapter leadership on Tuesday January 27th at the San Mateo Public Library for a look ahead at the Association's centennial year and for a discussion on the changing leadership framework and planning activities of the San Andreas Chapter. The meeting will start at 6 pm. The meeting room is the Laurel conference room on the 1st floor. Here is a link from the SMPL website re: directions and parking:
We will have pizza and beverages and a raffle to kick off our celebration year. Registration for this event is $12. To register, please contact Gloria Elia and send your registration check (made out to San Andreas Chapter, SLA) to:
SLA Reservations
AIM Library & Information Staffing
P.O. Box 391210
Mountain View, CA 94039-1210
Gloria can be reached at: 877... x100
fax: (650) 965-7774
email: [email protected]
I look forward to seeing you there!
Regards, Leslie R. Fisher 2009 President, San Andreas Chapter, SLA