The School of Library and Information Science at San José State University is pleased to invite you to attend our first Colloquia event for the Spring 2009 semester:
Bill Somerville, Executive Director and Founder, Philanthropic Ventures Foundation, presents:
"How Do You Find the Philanthropic Doorbell?"
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Time: noon - 1:00 p.m.
Location: SJSU campus, Clark Hall 322
Maps and directions to the SJSU campus can be found at Presentations are free, wheelchair-accessible and open to the public.
If you cannot attend this event in person, we also videotape each presentation. Links to an Internet webcast (streaming video), an RSS feed, and an iTunes Portal podcast (usually both audio and video versions) will be posted to the Colloquia: Spring 2009 calendar web page at about a week after the event.