On July 10, SLA-SD and SANDALL members met at the Center for
Sustainable Energyfor the program titled “Technology and
Career Agility:Using New Tools for
Career Development.”Our host and
librarian for the Center for Sustainable Energy, Sarah Volpe, started the program with a brief overview of
the Center and its role in energy conservation.
The first speaker was Christian Gray from the Reprints
Desk.Christian focused his discussion on
using LinkedIn,
the social network site, for job searching and career networking.Christian emphasized the importance of using
good keywords in your LinkedIn profile, and to mention them frequently to
increase your chances of being found by a job recruiter for a position in your
Next, Maurice Wilson from the Urban League of
San Diego County provided some great advice for
getting your foot in the door of an organization for which you would like to
work.He discussed the value of
volunteering for an organization, and relayed his experience on how he acquired
his position at the Urban League by at first volunteering.Maurice added that once you are in the door,
you need to make them love you.Make
sure you convince the people in the organization that you have value to offer
and participate in the operations of the organization, he added.Maurice noted that since most of the good
jobs are not advertised and are filled internally, getting involved with an
organization is especially important in getting your talents noticed.In our career pursuits, Maurice added that we
all should know our strengths and weaknesses and deal with them.He suggested that we use the Winslow
Assessment in determining these strengths and weaknesses (A free assessment is
available online at Winslow Reports.Registration is needed.)
Lisa Thomas, our final speaker for the program, addressed
the issue of drafting an effective online resume.Lisa works for Change Your Job/Change Your
Life and is affiliated with the San Diego-based resume building company,
GigTide.Lisa noted that online resumes should be
eye-catching yet provide relevant key words.She commented that most resumes today are no longer read by a person, so
key words are especially important.Lisa
added that the online resume should be relevant to your goal, and should
“capture your past experience with an eye to the future.”She then went through the attributes of the
resume building software, GigTide, adding that the software allows the tracking
of multiple versions of your resume, provides unique URL links to your resumes,
and can be integrated with social networking sites.She also suggested having your online resume
critiqued by another person.This
critique will help the job-seeker determine the overall impression given by his
or her resume, how relevant the document is to his or her career field, and how
strongly relevant key words and phrases were used. Thomas has shared her PowerPoint presentation. Download How to Build an Effective Online Résumé
Upcoming Program Notice:
Stay tuned for information about our next program on
Thursday, Nov. 5, “Taking care of business in China
and India:Resources for researching new financial
powerhouses,”which is scheduled to be
at the Lemon Grove Library.
Here are some photos from the SLA Annual Conference held in Washington DC June 13-17. You can click on the photos to see the full size image.
SLA CEO Janice Lachance at podium and President Gloria Zamora at left at the opening of the INFO-EXPO exhibit hall.
Full-size cardboard figures of President Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary of State Clinton were very popular. President Obama is either very tall or SLA-SD Past President Kathy Quinn is very short . . . hmmm . . .
The Hoover robot was quite a hit, greeting the attendees as we entered the ballroom for the opening session and keynote speech by Gen. Colin Powell. The robot was programmed to "talk" and even interact and respond. Quite fun!
SLA-SD Chapter President Cindy Shamel at the AIIP (Association for Independent Information Professionals) booth in the exhibit hall.
SLA-SD Chapter member Kathy Cook, Past President Kathy Quinn, and President Cindy Shamel enjoying the celebration of SLA's Centennial.
During this program, we plan
to have speakers address issues such as using social networks for career
advancement, web sites for job searching and career development, and tips for
developing online resumes.
How to Draft an Effective Online Resume with Lisa Thomas, co-founder of Change Your Job, who will discuss GigTide.
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills for career development. Register now by e-mailing SLA Hospitality Chair Vani Inampudi at [email protected]. Provide your name and the name of your organization. Fees will be collected at the door.
$10.00 SLA and SANDALL Member $15.00 Non Members $5.00 Students and unemployed
by Cynthia Shamel, President-Elect and Program Chair
Chapter members turned out in significant numbers last month to learn
how to develop strong networking skills to use in developing your business and
serving your organization.
Speaker Marcy
Phelps introduced the topic with a definition of introverts, reminding us that
introvert is neither a positive nor a negative term. Many librarians are introverts by nature and
this simply reflects the way we process information. In fact, as librarians we have many of the
skills that make us very good at building relationships through
networking. These skills include:
listening, asking the right questions, matching needs with resources, and the
desire to help others.
Attendees learned dozens of tips on how to apply these
skills to developing the relationships that will best serve our organizations
and us. Example tips include:
Get active in your organization – in this way you get to know people and they get to know you.
Prepare 2 or 3 questions to start a conversation – try Debra Fine’s book The Fine Art of Small Talk: How to Start a Conversation, Keep it Going, Build Networking Skills, and Leave a Positive Impression.
Prepare 2 or 3 interesting examples of what you do – this will provide people with a good idea of how you can help them.
Look for the loner – introduce yourself to someone standing or sitting alone at a networking event.
Summarize what’s next and follow up – ask for a business card or contact information and follow up in a way that continues to build on the relationship you have just begun.
The feedback on this program has been very positive, and we
all enjoyed lively interaction before, during, and after the meeting.
San Diego Chapter members network with speaker Marcy Phelps (second from right)
Don't forget to RSVP for our Holiday Party. It promises to be a fun evening including an optional museum tour. Please feel free to bring a guest. All are welcome!
DATE: Friday, December 7, 2007
TIME: 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Optional tour of the Kimball Museum 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
POTLUCK -- Please bring a dish to share!
ADDRESS: Daria DeCooman's home on historic Brick Row in National City
924 A Avenue, 2nd Floor, National City, 91950; Daria's cell: 619-886-8067
Beyond the U.S.: Border and Sister Library Initiatives
Three local experts on border and international library initiatives will present an update on the exciting work being done in this area. Martha McPhail will give an overview of her instruction and consulting work in Central America as well as SLA’s international outreach efforts. Patrick Sullivan will discuss border library initiatives and sister libraries. Bobbi Weaver will present information on environmental resources in Spanish. They will preview and seek input on the Transborder Library Forum (Foro Transfronterizo de Bibliotecas) to be held in Tijuana in 2009.
Martha McPhail – Martha has served as both Catalog Librarian and Bibliographer for Spanish and Latin American literature, women’s studies, and linguistics at San Diego State University Library since 1988. She has been a Fulbright Scholar twice in El Salvador and Honduras and is a longtime participant in the “Foro.” She was president of SLA-San Diego (96-97), chair of the Museums, Arts & Humanities Division (03-04), and is an SLA liaison to IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions). She holds an MA in Latin American Studies from SDSU and MSLS and AB degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Patrick Sullivan – Patrick has worked as a business reference librarian at San Diego State University since 2000. He is a member of the ALA Sister Library Committee and is the International Relations Chair for REFORMA. Pat received a Garcia Robles Fulbright Scholarship in 2005 to work with the Baja California Librarian’s Association (ABIBAC) on various projects. He is currently the US organizer for ABIBAC and one of the organizers for the 2009 “Foro.” He received his MLIS from San Jose State University.
Bobbi Weaver – Bobbi Weaver has worked at California Western School of Law for 10 years and is currently the Foreign & International Law Reference Librarian. She also teaches courses in advanced and international legal research. Bobbi was president of SLA-San Diego (02-03), chair of the Environment & Resource Management Division (ERMD) in 04-05, and is currently ERMD Bulletin Editor. She holds an MSLS from Catholic University and a JD from Temple University School of Law.
Location:Cubic Corporation, 9333 Balboa Avenue, San Diego 92123
Directions:From I-805: exit Balboa Avenue and go east about 2.5 miles. From I-15: exit Balboa Avenue and go west about 1.3 miles. Cubic is at the corner of Balboa Avenue and Ruffin Road.
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Registration and Networking
3:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers
Registration:The program is free, but registration is required due to the security requirements for visitors at Cubic Corp. Register by Mon. Nov. 5 to: Vani Inampudi, SLA-SD Hospitality Chair, [email protected].
The new Biomedical Library at UCSD was the setting for our chapter program on August 29, 2007.
When Bulletin co-editors Michelle Ohnstad and Mary Wickline presented to the board the idea of converting our chapter bulletin to a blog, I jumped on the chance to do a program as a way to present the blog to some chapter members.
Michelle Ohnstad presented the “first draft” of the blog to 25 eager members. First, she gave us a little background on how she and Mary decided to look into this option. Michelle said she gained inspiration and ideas from several other SLA chapters’ blogs, especially the San Andreas Chapter.
Michelle explained TypePad, the blogging software used by SLA headquarters and available to the chapters and divisions. She then showed us the live blog so that we could get a feel for the organization and look-and-feel. A few of us were also able to post comments as “authors.”
It was decided at the meeting to purchase our own subscription to TypePad so that we would have more control over the administrative aspects of our blog.
If you’re reading this article, you’ve found the blog! All the instructions and details were sent in an email to the chapter listserv.
After the presentation, we split into two groups for tours of the beautiful new Biomedical Library. Many thanks to Nancy Stimson and Penny Coppernoll-Blach for their fun and informative tours!
Welcome to our Chapter meeting introducing the change from a Chapter Bulletin to a Chapter Blog. I look forward to seeing this evolve and improve our Chapter communications.