On Tuesday, October 12, at 6 pm SLT, meet Moxie Gearhead (RL Carol Smith) and Chipmunkey Flaks (RL Marian Davis) discuss their experience as embedded librarians in Second Life.
Library Buzz: Virtually Embedded in Second Life
When: October 12 2010 - 6pm PT/SLT
Where: Info Island Auditorium, Second Life
SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Info%20Island/62/114/33
NOTE: This session is in Second Life, please get a Second Life avatar and the client software here: http://www.secondlife.com; If you have not yet explored Second Life, check out the free Introduction to Second Life webinars for SLA members at http://www.sla.org/content/learn/members/webinars/secondlife.cfm
Academic librarians at the University of Central Missouri are collaborating with an English professor to embed in undergraduate composition courses taught entirely within Second Life. Librarians attend class alongside students, eliminating barriers, and building a positive rapport. Over several semesters, they have progressed from bumping into virtual walls to providing in-depth research consultations, research-oriented tours, and formal bibliographic instruction. This session focuses on the unique challenges of embedded librarianship in Second Life and the ongoing development of best practices for supporting students in virtual learning contexts
Carol Smith (SL: Moxie Gearhead) is Assistant Professor of Library Services and Technology Initiatives Librarian at the James C. Kirkpatrick Library of the University of Central Missouri. She is responsible for managing the library's website and implementing emerging information technologies that both support user needs and enhance the user experience. Carol holds both an M.S. Library and Information Science and an M.S. Information Systems from Drexel University, and is currently pursuing doctoral studies at the University of Missouri - Columbia (Ph.D., Information Science & Learning Technologies). Her research interests include embedded librarianship in virtual worlds, GIS in academic libraries, and competitive intelligence.
Marian Davis (SL: ChipMunkey Flaks) is an Associate Professor of Library Services and the Distance Learning Librarian at the James C. Kirkpatrick Library of the University of Central Missouri. She also is the reference librarian and subject specialist for the College of Science and Technology, including Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Mathematics, Automotive, Aviation, and more. In addition to research interests in distance learning, she is actively involved in library instruction within Second Life, changing trends in advertisements for professional librarian positions, and genealogy. Marian earned her MLS from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and an Ed. Spec. degree from the University of Central Missouri in Human Services.
The Library Buzz sessions are sponsored by SLA's Virtual Worlds Advisory Council in partnership with the Community Virtual Library (CVL).